Hewlett Packard Enterprise Discover 2021
June 22 - 24 for Americas | June 23 - 25 for APJ and EMEA.

Sign up now for this free virtual event!
Event login form

If you have already registered, access your event registration profile here.

Begin typing your company name or location ID and select from the list that displays..

Beyond this event, may HPE provide you with personalized communications about HPE and select HPE-partner products, services, offers and events?

Please enter your country prefix first, e.g. +1

For more information on how HPE manages, uses and protects your information please refer to HPE Privacy Statement. You can always withdraw or modify your consent to receive marketing communication from HPE. This can be done by using the opt-out and preference mechanism at the bottom of our email marketing communication or by following this link. If you have provided your mobile number to receive marketing communications, please note that roaming charges may apply.

If you attend a partner sponsor session, session where a partner sponsor is a published event speaker, showcase exhibit, demo at HPE Discover 2021 or related VIP Program event, you consent to HPE sharing your name, email, country, phone and company name with that partner sponsor.

Following receipt of your contact details from HPE, partner sponsors are responsible for obtaining your permission to send you marketing communications, where required by law, and for use of your personal data in compliance with their privacy policies and applicable privacy laws.

If you attend and register for HPE Discover 2021 with the invitation from an HPE partner, then you consent to HPE sharing with that partner your contact details, interests identified during registration, and a list of the sessions, demos and meetings you schedule and / or attend.

Following receipt of your contact details from HPE, partners are responsible for ensuring they have obtained your permission to send you marketing communications, where required by law, and for use of your personal data in compliance with their privacy policies and applicable privacy laws.

If you do not wish to your information shared, please contact the Event Support Team to let them know you do not wish to register as a Partner customer, and they can assist you with your registration.

Please use the password created during your Aruba Atmosphere '21 registration.

Image displays when password passes our testing
Image displays when password passes our testing